OK - so you have to know that it was my full intention to help the Farmer work on this project this weekend. I donned the work boots, old blue jeans, heck - I even wore some pretty snazzy work gloves! I hauled out the pry bars, hammers, even some shovels, all with the intention to be working, side by side, husband and wife, fully bonded, on this project.
Then he ripped down the first wall.....uhm, let's just say that it only took about two seconds before I was suddenly watching from the outside of the building. Copious amounts of dust bellowing out the doorways and windows kept my feet firmly planted on the grass rather then in the asbestosis flavored air within the old chicken coop. The Farmer worked alone.
I do have to interject that it was not MY fault he worked alone. He only had one air filtering mask and decided he needed it more then I would and that I should stay far from harms way.
So I tried to be a good and dutiful wife. I went and warmed up the skid-loader, started the tractor (which had to be moved in order to retrieve the skid-loader from it's niche inside the machine shed.) and awaited further instruction. After a few feeble attempts to remove nails from the large sections of wall that would emerge spontaneously from the dark depths of the coop, I took to sitting in the warm skid-loader, heat blasting, watching my dear husband do his work. That lasted only about 20 mintues, then I resumed watching from inside the house, while reading a novel.....
I do have to say, that man can get down to business. The walls are now bear and we will be wiring this coming weekend. I have a call into a local mason to do some tuck point work and wall repair on the brick, and we have consulted a tin man (for lack of a better word...) to replace the tin on the outside of the building....Thinking green...or slate blue....
Windows will also be ordered this week. I will keep you posted as we progress.

I am overwhelmed just looking at those pictures! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be awesome. But mega projects like that just stress me out...don't know how you keep it together! :)
I love the recliner sitting in the middle of the chicken coop ;). Can't wait to see the finished project! BTW, I might have to schedule an appointment in the new remodeled studio!
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