Ok- so this is our fireplace. Please note all the wonderfully sharp edges and corners - just perfect for causing stitches in young children. Really, the fireplace has not been an issue for us. We moved into this house when Sarah was old enough to know better then to play near the fireplace. Ok - let's face it, Sarah has always been old enough to know better then to play near something so obviously dangerous...We have never had a problem with her laughing at us when we tell her no, or trying to sneak over to something that she knows is off limits. Aiden on the other hand, he has a danger magnet embedded somewhere in his body, and when I find it - we are having that puppy removed!!
This is how life was - put Aiden on the ground - he crawls to horribly sharp and pointy edges of fireplace and tries to pull up on very unsteady and wobbly legs. Pick Aiden up and move him to a new location - Aiden crawls to fireplace again. Pick Aiden up and move him to a new location - Aiden crawls to fireplace again. Pick Aiden up and move him to a new location - Aiden crawls to fireplace again. Ok - you get the picture. This went on, and on - for weeks. So we began looking for a hearth guard. Something that would cover all the potentially deadly parts of this obtrusive structure in the living room. We looked all over and finally found a "Baby Safety Foam", so we ordered. Measurements were taken, photos were emailed, and about a week later the product arrived.
To say the least, I was a little disappointed by the contents that came in a 2ft by 4 ft box delivered to our door. Inside were several items that could be picked up at any local Walmart and for what we paid for this thing (around $200) - I expected something more. However, we assembled the hearth guard anyway, under the premise that is could still be returned if we were not happy with it. Now mind you, it looks like we are about to mail off our fireplace. The baby safety foam looks more like a package ready for UPS pickup then a fabulous addition to our interior decorating, but - it works, and that is all that concerns me. Oh yea, and now, Aiden wants nothing to do with the fireplace.
Holy cow that's a lot of foam!! I thought it was like a strip that went around the edge.
Ha ha, that part that you want to remove that makes him a danger magnet? You might want to change your mind - it's called "men". Men are ALL danger magnets, lol!
I pictured the michilan man type suit for my kids, but bubble wrap worked well... LOL
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