Thursday, February 25, 2010


Recently it has gotten increasingly difficult to capture some "portrait" worthy pictures of the Young Master Aiden in action.  He is one quick little fella, and yes, I do get plenty of shots off throughout the day, but nothing that is not blurred or flawed in some way, or shows the little angel coated in peanut butter

Well, today I finally got some really nice headshots and even a couple of his adorable little toes!  You must be wondering how I accomplished this?  Pure photographic magic. 

I waved my Photography Magic Wand and hypnotized him in to settling down and sitting for me for a whole series of images.

What!?  You don't believe me?

OK - so he fell into my garbage can and I took advantage.  Do you blame me!?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Beautiful weather and plenty of sunshine allowed for a great day out on the sledding hill over at our local state park.  Here are some pics from our fun day yesterday!
Mitten trouble
 My thighs ache today from going up and down this hill so many times - SO worth it though!!

 Aiden sure looks like he is having fun, doesn't he?  Ok - so maybe I kidnapped him and flew down the hill....In my defense, he did have fun!

Half the fun is falling down, right?

Aiden found a snowmobile trail and tried to make a break for it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Bag I Can Be Proud Of

Usually I do not bring up my bags in a public forum.  Saddle bags, the bags under my eyes, that weird baby belly bag that hangs over my jeans....But in this case, this is one bag I can be proud of!  Today I received my new camera bag from the UPS man and  After much research and several disscussions with other photographers, I finally made the leap and purchased my new bag.  (Ok - I think it was that PayPal 25% Off incentive that really threw me over the edge.)
Now, mind you, I have been scouting a new bag for quite some time and have looked at several makes and models before I landed on the Jill-e Bag collection.  These are wonderful bags created with the woman photographer in mind. 
My first instinct was to go BOLD - I liked the lovely pink patten-leather bag.  Then I got to (over) thinking it and thought maybe red was more my style....So I went ahead and ordered the brown.  Not just the brown, but the brown JACK bag.  The Jack bag is actually a "men's" camera bag, not at all feminine.  I am such a chicken.
Anyway - he is here and I love him.  Jack is the newest object of my affection.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. FlipfloppingMamma

Model Help

In all the fun I have been having with the studio lights, I have recruited every family member as models.  None were so willing as Sarah Anne.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the Farmer. 

A Man Needs His Coffee

How can you tell when a boy takes after his father?  I think these pictures speak for themselves...

A Studio In the Making

Slowly the plans for a studio have been emerging....Right now it is lighting.  That is my current quest.  I have a dear friend who, very generously, has loaned me her lighting to work with for a while.  To say the least, it has been challenging.  Challenging in that finding time to work with the said lights has been very difficult with a toddler constantly between my feet.  Though yesterday he was quite a help and I was able to catch him in action.  I don't see why I am having trouble...Humm....We really did not need that chair anyway....