Well, we made it to Disney and back unscathed, and as soon as I have my head about me again, I will let you all know how it went. But for now, I am watching the crawling baby destroy my house in a blissful display of how happy he is to be back home and out of a stroller!! And to top it off, to show how happy they were to see us again, I got to chase our horses down the road yesterday. They ran 1.5 miles down the road and into a neighbors field, so, with two half dressed children in the car, I proceeded to follow them, only to bury the car in about two feet of mud - oh yea, it is 65 degree outside - I guess the fields would be muddy...idiot. Don't worry - the Farmer rescued us - only to go back to work and make fun of me with the boys down there for the rest of the day....
So, as soon as I have clear thoughts again - I will post plenty of pictures and tell you all how it went!
So glad you're back!
hope you had a fun on your trip...can't wait to see pics!
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