When did we loose our cool? I know I have asked this before, but seriously. We (we, meaning my group of fellow SAHMs and I) recently had a girl's night out. There was once a time that this would involve dinner and a bar of some sort, or maybe out dancing...Then we had children. It has all changed. Now I am Happy to hire a sitter for a night of pie, knitting and a movie with the girls, just as long as no one is screaming "Momma!" or pooping their pants, I am happy to just "BE".
It was a great night too. I even got an education about the movie Footloose, which I had never seen before, and I learned that when you get very angry, the solution is to dance. I will try this next time...Hey, it worked for Kevin (eat my) Bacon. However, I did get attacked by a crazed cat that night too....
I had a blast too!!!!!!!! I think we need to make it a "regular" thing! :)
You were the FIRST one to leave and falling asleep....Wild woman!!
Just DANCE!!!
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