What do Stay at Home Moms do when they are bored...Well they sew of course! Translation: they think of new ways to make their Husbands look foolish...
So the FlipfloppingMamma and I got this idea...
Take an old bed sheet - in this case it was the Farmer's old Superman sheets that he had when he was a kid (Last year).
Using his lounge pants, we cut out the shape of a pair of pants (Note to self - never do this again, it was COMPLETELY wrong...)
Sew up either side and hem legs. This is when we noticed the length of the crotch...Humm...Seems to be some trouble here....

Yup - Definately NOT right... Ok, after some minor crotch adjustment, we did get it right. And Wadda know? The Farmer loved them! (That is not him in the picture above though.) He slept in them for two whole nights...Before the crotch blew out....

The smaller version we made was much cuter though. And much sterdier. The Farmer is pleased that he could hand down his comfy Superman sheets to his son.

Wonder what we will do next time we are bored...
Next time you're bored...you'll probably put squirrel signs and corn in peoples yard. Oh wait, you've been there, done that. Hmmm...what other kinds of trouble could you cook up? :)
This is hilarious!!! I laughed so much I cried.
Yeah, pants are a weird thing to sew. If you ever get an official pants pattern, you'll look at the crotch part and go, "what the . . .?"
So cute on Aiden!
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