Thursday, June 26, 2008

What!? A Vacation!?

When you marry the farmer, you marry the farm. I am sure a lot of farm wives out there would agree with that statement. As it is with us. Leaving the farm is very difficult for my husband, even if it is only for a short getaway. So you can imagine my surprise when he came home from work on Tuesday and said we were going to be able to get away for a four day weekend over the Fourth of July holiday! Ok- some of you might say that two days notice is not much to work with, but when dealing with the farmer I have grown accustom to such surprise attacks! And let me tell you, if it means getting to go somewhere, I will be packed in twenty minutes!

And so it was, we were off! We traveled up to our dear friends, Jake, Abby's cabin on Shawno Lake. The three hour drive was a piece of cake, even with two kids. (For the record - the only one who had to stop to use the bathroom on the trip was Matthew!) Aiden was a peach and slept the whole way up and Sarah was deeply engrossed in the Spy Kids movie on the DVD player.

We stayed Thursday through Sunday and enjoyed everything from swimming to four wheeling. Also joining us on the trip were friends from Lena here, Tami and Todd with their two children, Zoe and Cole. It is quite sad when you have to drive 300 miles just to have time to see your good friends who live in the same town!! The kids had a blast. Actually, by Saturday I missed Sarah quite a bit! She was so busy with the other kids that I had hardly seen her all weekend! She was a very good babysitter for Jake and Abby's son, Jack too!

On Saturday night the crew all disappeared down to the lake to watch the neighbor set off quite an impressive fireworks display. For the first time since I can remember I did not go to watch the fireworks myself. Instead Aiden and I avoided being carried away by mosquitoes and hid in the cabin for some bonding time.

Abby's brother, Luke, and his two friends, Eric and Pat also joined us on Saturday. Sarah immediately fell in love with all three boys and followed them around relentlessly the rest of the weekend. Let me tell you, the next best thing to still being in your early twenties is listening to the stories these youngin's had to tell! Oh the shenanigans you can get into when you are young and haven't a care in the world.

Our trip home on Sunday did not go as smoothly as our trip up. We ran into heavy traffic and ended up driving for about 6 hours. Oh well, we made it and here I sit, with six loads of laundry, eight mosquito bites and a slight sunburn - what a GREAT weekend! More pictures will follow!

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