Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Riding with Daddy

The other day the kids and I went for our first tractor ride of the season (and our first tractor ride as a family of four). For the first 5 minutes or so, it seemed like we would have pretty easy sailing - that is, until Aiden discovered where he was. Not only did he try to steer the tractor, pull cords from equipment, and attempt to talk on the CB, he also took off the Farmer's hat and glasses and tried to climb over his shoulder and when that did not work he became limp and tried to slide to the floor. Let me tell you, this kid does NOT like to be contained. So, from now on, all future rides in the tractor will also include a car seat. What!? Did you think I was going to let the Farmer get out of it that easy!?


Rachel said...

Ha ha, that's funny. I love the blog header, too! Baby feet are so adorable!

Michelle {Miss Strawberry Shortgirl} said...

What cuties! My nephew Wesley loves riding on Grampa's vintage Ford tractor...he's 3 so he has a small measure of self control.