Doesn't she look thrilled?
Despite others in the performance - she took her job VERY seriously.
Even with some minor technical difficulties in wardrobe...
So I took this scary looking feller out into the woods with me to ward off the bears, as we hunted down that perfect tree.
Sarah is a great hunter, by the way. See how she lures in the tree by waving a branch over the ground as to leave a scent trail...
Ah-Ha! We have led one into our trap! The agile Farmer leaps on it and takes hold of it's trunk to immobilize it. There is no getting away from us now!
Ya know, each year we embark on this adventure together, as a family, and each year I have wonderful visions of how the Christmas tree hunt will go. There are visions of hot cocoa, and snowball fights, and hours of carousing through the wood (Ok- tree farm) to find that perfect tree. Heading home to a crockpot full of yummies and admiring our new tree in the warm glow of a lit fireplace. There have been years exactly like that - Norman Rockwell perfect. Then there are years in which the Farmer is laying down in a pool of mud trying the saw down a tree with the dullest saw blade the Tree Farm Man could find, as it pours down rain on our heads and we stand in sodden clothes praying the Farmer hurries up already and we can go home.
Then there are years like this year. A year in which we are late getting the tree, so we are forced to jump on any available moment that the family is all together and able to venture out, even if it is only 10 degrees outside, and we rush from the car to the field of trees, pick the first one we see, and make a mad dash back into the store to pay for it and retreat to the warmth of the car once more.
I think Aiden thinks we are crazy... Doesn't that cold, red nose just break your heart? Get that boy back to the car!
And what better way to finish up this festive day then hitting the KFC drive through and heading home for a nice sit-down supper.