Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great Big Sister

We knew that Sarah would have a lot of great qualities to share with a sibling, in fact, that is one of the reasons we decided to have a second child, but she has far exceeded all our expectations. She is not only a wonderful help to have around (especially when I sit down to feed her brother and I forget to grab the phone until I hear it ringing three rooms away!), but she is the most generous and thoughtful Big Sissy a boy could have. She has become an excellent pacifier retriever, calming lullaby singer, professional baby rattle shaker and best of all, a super-quiet nap watcher. She is the first one by little Aiden's side should he fuss and even has taken to helping with some pretty messy diapers.
We are truly blessed to have such healthy, happy children. I do not take one day for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello?? Anyone there?? Your last post was Sunday. What have you been doing all week??