Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

On Thursday of last week the Farmer

took a trip to the Pioneer Seed plant. Now, in the past, when different companies have invited us to view the factories, it has always involved a lengthy car ride. Not this time. Pioneer flew the Farmer out in style! He boarded a Lear Jet to fly to Des Moines, IA. (It was only a four hour drive - he could have made it in my opinion.) Of course, he did not take his beloved wife with him on this little voyage. Which was fine with me, I guess. Who wants to hear about seed corn anyway? They could have at least offered to drop me and the kids off in Orlando on the way...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Um, Liz? Florida is not "on the way" to Indiana, ha ha!