Finally, the night we have been waiting for has arrived! As I have mentioned, Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. I am not sure whether it is the excitement of dressing up, the ginormous amounts of sugar threatening to throw us all into a diabetic coma before the night is through, or the thought that maybe, just maybe, we might not be alone in the world on this particular night...oooo....I can hear the spooks now... I have also passed this love affair with Halloween down to my eldest child. She gets just as excited as I do, and together we make quite the giggling pair.
This year was the first year we did not Trick-or-Teat in our own neighborhood, but instead went to a neighboring town. There were three reasons for doing this: Nana and Papa live in this town, and we have never been able to trick-or-treat their house, the friends that we would be trick-or-treating with live in this town also, (OK - Now the REAL reason) and there was the most awesome of all Halloween houses just down the street from both Nana and Papa and our friend's house! Now, we are not just talking a few ghosts hanging from trees and a jack-o-lantern here... We are talking the Queen Mother of all decorations!
The man (shown below without his legs) who owns the house designs props for the movie industry and has therefore designed every display you will see below. It is a truly amazing experience! They put out their displays two weeks ahead of Halloween and tear them down the night of Halloween. Why only have all this up for such a short time, you ask? Well, it is because they cause a traffic jam on their street two blocks long when the displays are in action! It is crazy the amount of people that come out to see this attraction. Buses even ship kids in from across town just to Trick-or-Treat at this house.
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