Earlier I posted an article regarding my OCD tendencies. Since this post was published, I have received all sorts of grief. I now feel I need to defend myself.
I was the Director of a large equestrian operation before I decided to be a stay-at-home Mom. My job consisted of managing a staff of 8, organizing several social events as well as horse shows at the facility, and the overseeing of a 22 horse recreational trail riding operation, all while trying to make a sizable profit each year. I was a busy person, and I loved it. I worked 12-14 hour days six days a week and would have done more, were I allowed to sleep in my office.
When the decision was made that I should become a stay-at-home mom I was reluctant to say the least. I even fought the whole idea with several part-time jobs, volunteer projects and adult education classes. Eventually, I surrendered to the idea of being at home. However, I still view my work here as a career. I made a contract with my husband that in staying home, it would be MY responsibility to maintain the home (power tools are the exception, if it takes a power tool- the Farmer is called in), care for the children, balance the budget, plan and cook the meals, etc., etc. His end of the bargain, in turn, is to keep us able to do all this with a steady income. (I think I have the better end of the bargain, if you ask me.)
Therefore, viewing this as my career, I strive every day to do better. I have been called a the perfect "50's Housewife"(which, I am pretty sure, was an insult), an "OCD", Neurotic, and just plain crazy. I enjoy what I do. I enjoy having a tidy house to entertain in, healthy, well behaved children to take places, sparkling stainless steel sinks, perfectly vacuumed floors, dust free tables, so many baked goods in he freezer that I have a hard time closing the door. Each day I will continue to try to do better.
And you were worried about my obsession with roller skating? Thats all I'm saying...
Great post! I agree with you about the "home is my career" thing. That's why I don't mind what my "job" is, because I see it as a real job, just one that doesn't necessarily give me a paycheck.
OMG - you ARE CRAZY !!!! LOL that is ment as a complete compliment!
As a farm wife I can tell you what you already know - your right about the bargain, his end is harder in many ways!! The only place I disagree is the spotless sinks.. I have mine full of water at the moment with a couple of army guys floating in them - they are 'seal men' So I am told.. LOL
I just got here but I dont see what is wrong with doing things well and always trying to be better. I wish I could keep a decent house, but I do not have it in me---it is something I am ashamed of.
Keep up the good work
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