Mama's Beauty Shop - that's what Sarah calls the bathroom when I do her hair in the mornings, along with Mama's Diner when I cook and Mama's Laundry Service when I do laundry. Well today I am going public. We had our first non-family client, the Flip Flopping
Momma's son. Let me tell you, after having only done the Farmer's, his two little brothers (16 & 14 respectively) and Grandpa Dan's hair - this little guy was a tough one! I do have to say he held still pretty well - no big
chunks missing, but boy was he a lot closer to the ground. I think the Flip Flopping Momma would attest to this too, as she seriously injured herself trying to get low enough to take a picture.
As you will note above - we did start off with a pretty pink towel on his shoulders to catch the hair and keep him from being itchy - yeah, he ditched the towel - now he just looks like a hairy old man!

Here he is all done - ears still in
1 comment:
You are very brave to attack this in your home. I usually do it outside or when the weather is a bit chilly in the garage... However last time I did the hubby's... the garage floor looked like I had killed a calico cat! hahaha
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