Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Play Date

On Friday of last week, Sarah had the opportunity to have a friend from school over for a "Play Date". This is something I really do not do enough of, especially when we live so far out in the country and another child is hard to come by. Sarah is usually left to play by herself (something she is quite good at) while her mother compulsively cleans or bakes.
Anyway! We had a friend over. This little girl was even able to get off the school bus with Sarah. The sight of which sent my biological clock into overdrive! Something about watching two giggling girls of the same age come running toward my house...I could have litters of them!
The girls had a great time that day. First we donned our princess dresses, complete with jewels and tiaras. Not sure why, but somehow the bunny ears were a suitable tiara substitute.
Then, as a fun activity, we all decorated cupcakes with chocolate frosting and, of course, plenty of sprinkles and candy! We did have to cover up the princess dresses for this endeavor.
Please do not tell this child's mother that I let them clean up the frosting...I have never seen such clean frosting containers.
These were the results of our efforts. These beautiful, carefully decorated, heavily candied, tasty cupcakes. Hummm, it looks like we are missing a couple here. I would have NEVER given the girls cupcakes after all that chocolate frosting.
OK - So maybe I gave them one...


Jessica said...

what a fun play date!!!

Rachel said...

Hmmm, I don't think I've got your email, but we're planning to head to McDonald's for lunch this afternoon (Friday), if you'd like to meet up! I think Nikki might be there, too, and maybe Esther!